e-granth – Anvita and Anika's Book Newsletter, June 2017
From the Editor’s Desk
Here is the June Newsletter which you all have been waiting for. In this newsletter, I have decided to include sections, so that you readers, can navigate easily through the newsletter, searching for the section that might contain your favourite books. As my sister and I are alternating on who would run the newsletter, this time, it is I, Anvita Agarwal, who is editing the newsletter. This time, I have included books that have not been read by me for a long time. My sister provided the content for four books, and I added the rest. In the next newsletter, we mostly will have a section on the textbook reading we do.
Enjoy reading this newsletter!
- Anvita
Horrific Horror
As the name suggests, this section will have horror stories. Bunnicula and Araminta Spook are included in this section. This time, these books aren’t that scary, so people who don’t like spooky books, don’t worry. You won’t get too spooked out.
Bunnicula, A Rabbit Tale of Mystery
Vampires, Draculas and other horrific creatures are common. What about a bunny-dracula? Or should I say Bunnicula? This horrifyingly funny book is written by Deborah and James Howe, describing the odd behavior of a new pet rabbit. The rabbit has fangs, sleeps during the day and wakes up at night, and, has odd markings on his fur, more like a Dracula. Suspicious, the two pets of the house – Chester, the cat and Harold, the dog, are bent on finding out the mystery behind this odd rabbit. This is another one of my cousin’s books. I never wanted to open it until I was bored and decided to read something I hadn’t read before. It wasn’t that scary as it was funny. Young children would love reading this books, though it has a slightly chilling title and quote that says, ‘Today Vegetables...Tomorrow the world!’. This is a series of books, with seven books in it. Though I have read only one book in the series, I would love to read the rest of the six books. Anyone would love to sit and read these books without stopping to even have a sip of water. [link]
Araminta Spook

This is the third section, and as a matter of fact, it contains exactly three books! George’s Adventures, The Lemonade War and Horrible History: Wicked Words. These three books are truly lovely books, and I’m sure you won’t be bored by them. This section has the books I’d mainly want you to read.
I liked this book a lot. It talks about how Evan and Jessie, two siblings, start fighting, as Evan is embarrassed that his little sister is being promoted from second grade to fourth grade, the class he is going to, this year. Evan knows that he is not as good at Math and other subjects as Jessie is, and is afraid that he will feel ashamed that his sister knows more than him. Not wanting to tell Jessie this, he starts acting rude to her, which starts a full-fledged quarrel. They decide to have a bet. The one who earns one hundred dollars from their lemonade stand wins, and the loser should give the winner all his earnings during the war. This starts the Lemonade War. Who will win? Will Evan tell Jessie the truth behind his odd behavior? This is the main story. Jacqueline Davies has done a very good job in describing the sibling rivalry. She is mainly known for her Lemonade War series, though she has written many books. I have read two books, ‘The Lemonade War’ and the following book, ‘The Lemonade Crime’. Both were interesting and different. I enjoyed both a lot. There are business tips in between the book that are interesting, and important. She describes each character’s strengths and weaknesses properly, so you could understand when they face a problem, how they would handle it. She shows what happens in day to day life, jealousy. Jealousy is a feeling that is common between siblings. For example, when the mother praises one of the siblings for something, the other experiences this feeling. I liked the book, and really want to read the rest of the books in the series.[link]
Horrible Histories: Wicked Words
I got this book from a nearby library, trusting it to be hilarious, judging its cover. My father recommended me to read it, as it looked good, and I have read other books in this series. Recently, I’ve been reading a book like this called ‘The Knowledge: Triffic Chocolate’, as I enjoyed the book ‘Wicked Words’ so much. It isn’t a storybook, nor is it an encyclopedia. It is a mixture of both. It gives you a lot of information on how language came into use, what language is, who was the first one to use language, and a lot more. It talks a lot about different categories English words come under, like Acronyms. I enjoyed reading this book. It was hilarious, as it had illustrations that described precisely what they wanted to say. Towards the end, they give you a great deal of new tongue twisters. Here, I’ve provided two of them for you try: ‘Sister Susie’s sewing shirts for soldiers, such skill at sewing shirts our shy young sister Susie shows, some soldiers send epistles, say they’d sooner sleep in thistles, than the saucy, soft, short shirts for soldiers sister Susie sews’ or ‘There’s no need to light a night-light on a light night like tonight for a night-light’s a slight light for a night like tonight.’ If you have doubts on reading this, I’d ask you not to have them. It isn’t a boring encyclopedia, I can promise you that. Reading this will be filled with a lot of laughs and odd facts, full of fun knowledge.[link]
George Adventures, by Lucy and Stephen Hawking

This section talks about books that we think are not too good, but not too bad at the same time, they’re just fine, and cannot decide. The section only contains one book, Sheltie in Danger. This is my opinion on the books, so it depends on your taste – you might like it or not.

I’m sure everyone loves dragons, fairies, gnomes, pixies, elves, and all those lovely and wondrous creatures. For lovers of these creatures, I present to you, FORMIDABLE FANTASY. Allow this section to delight you with its wondrous creatures. This time, you get to decide between two of them- dragons and witches. So, which one do you choose?
The Worst Witch Series
This hilarious series of books written by Jill Murphy is interesting and enjoyable to read. The main character is Mildred Hubble also known as the ‘Worst Witch’. She is constantly getting into trouble and messing up things at Miss Cackle’s Academy for witches. However hard she tries she ends up making a dramatic entrance every year at her school. Her two best friends Maud and Enid stand by her side every time whereas her arch-enemy Ethel does not. Ethel is the teachers favorite and a brilliant at about everything. She tries her very best to make sure she gets Mildred into trouble and look bad in front of the teachers while she, Ethel shines. I know this sounds exactly like a scene between you and your enemy at school! She mostly did it in front H. B otherwise known as Miss Hardbroom. Miss Hardbroom was the unofficial and stern second in command after Miss Cackle, the Headmistress. The author Jill Murphy used to picture herself as Mildred Hubble as she too was constantly getting into trouble herself! I know this for a fact as I once had an English chapter on her when I was in second grade. The Worst Witch series is known to be her first series of books and was an enormous success. She has written many more books but is more commonly known by the Worst Witch series. I have read two of the books in the series and enjoyed them a lot. I love the series and am looking forward to reading a few more books too.[link]
The Dragon Slayers Academy
This is the first time I’ve read this book, and I really liked it. This is the first book in the series of four books, which is why the story is not completed at the end. It is written by Kate McMullan. It is a good book, and will be ideal for ambitious people, who love anything to do with dragons and knights, and all those creatures. I read it just yesterday, curious to know about the book I’d been avoiding for a long time. It is not a very long book, so I finished it in an hour. It talks about a young lad called Wiglaf, who is the runt of his family of fifteen, including himself, twelve brothers and his parents Fergus and Molwena. Though Wiglaf is the runt of the family, he has a kind heart, and dreams that he is born to be a hero. One day a poor minstrel tells Wiglaf that he is born to be a hero, after the minstrel reads Wiglaf’s fortune. The next day, Wiglaf sees a sign asking for admission to the DSA (Dragon Slayer’s Academy). Excited, he decides to seek his fortune there, with his parent’s approval (they are more than happy to get rid of him). I liked it a lot. It was funny at the same time it was adventurous. It doesn’t end the story, so I really want to read all the books to know the rest of it. [link]
Animals...cute, cute, animals. Everyone loves them. This section I dedicate to all dog lovers. After all, I quote, ‘Dog is the Man’s best friend’. Enjoy this series, and feel the pain our friendly friends, dogs feel. Happy Doggylicious reading!
The Call of the Wild

For lovers of our rich culture, heritage, and especially our language. Two books under this section will be enjoyable to you lot of people. These two books talk a lot about our rich collection of books, or has snippets, and short stories from them. I personally enjoy these books, and I’m sure, so will you.
This book talks about a character known to very few. She is rarely mentioned in most versions of the Mahabharata. Uruvi, the daughter of King Vahusha and Queen Shubhra, the princess of Pukeya and the wife of Karna. She is a playful, spirited young girl who grows up to and finds herself in love with Karna. Her parents disapprove of him due to his association with Duryodhana. in the end, she finally does get the man of her dreams but along with it she also gets a lot of criticism. Uruvi loved Karna and her new family was nice to her. Gradually she noticed that everyone around her had changed. They all treated her as a sutaputra's wife or an outcast between them. Would Uruvi learn to adapt to her surroundings and learn to live like that? This book is written by Kavita Kane and is fabulous. I have read two other books of hers and between the three and this one was the best. I found the other two to have a lot of romance included which I didn't like that much whereas Karna's wife was romance free. Everything was described through her eyes and based on her thoughts and feelings. It describes her worries before the Kurukshetra war, the shock of realization that Karna was destined to die and her repulsive feelings for Kunti on learning about Karna's birth. I read the first two books and learnt that there was a third. I found out that a library close to my house had the book and immediately borrowed it. There is a sort of magnetism in Kavita Kane's books that sort of makes you complete the whole book. [link]
The Culture Course
Weak in history? Well here's a way to learn history easily and in a fun way. Read the Culture Course to improve your learning. This set of books are a lot like the Purṇa Vidya series that were mentioned in the April edition. The Culture Course series narrate around 15 stories in each book. Based on each story there are 6-7 questions. There is only one difference between the Purṇa Vidya series and the Culture Course. Purna Vidya mostly talk about stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata whereas the Culture Course books narrate stories about folk tales, Mahabharata and Ramayana stories, stories about great rishis, the foundation of holy places, rituals, etc. These books talk a lot about the holy places in India and rituals performed there. I have finished the 4th book and am currently doing the sixth. These books teach you a lot about Hindu culture and at the same time they are very interesting. I enjoy reading and answering the questions in this series. [link]
Notable Books, is almost the same as Bookalicious, but here I really, really want you to read the books I mention her. Also, I am mentioning these books to you more formally, which means that even adults would love to read these books. The book I have picked for this section, suitably matches this section. Adults would love reading this, and can recommend the books under this section to others.
Ponniyin Selvan

Thank you all for taking the time and patience to sit and read the newsletter that I have prepared for you. Hope you found it enjoyable, knowledgeable, and a good source of information.
You can download the original version of this newsletter, in PowerPoint form, here
© 2017, Anvita, Anika.
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